April 22, 2021 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News

Top Seventh-day Adventist leaders throughout the Inter-American Division (IAD) have been engaged in orientation meetings this week in preparation for the church’s mid-year annual business meetings of the executive committee scheduled for Apr. 26-29, 2021.  The online meetings will gather more than 160 top church administrators, institutional leaders and laypersons to vote on initiatives, projects and events that will strengthen the direction of the church under the I Will Go mission initiative of reaching more with the message of the gospel.

Dominant items on the agenda will include the election of department heads at the IAD headquarters, administrators of division institutions, as well as election of top officers of 13 union missions for the next four years.

Inter-American Division President Pastor Elie Henry speaks to union and institution officers during a orientation meeting online Apr. 21, 2021. [Photo: IAD Screenshot]

“Next week’s meetings will see us take a lot of votes which will be key for the church in Inter-America,” said Pastor Elie Henry, president of the church in Inter-America. “This is a crucial moment for God to guide us and allow us to move forward according to His will so that we can fulfill the purpose He has for us.”

Leaders took time to pray for spiritual guidance, agenda items and church leaders and members who have become ill or have lost loved ones from COVID-19.

Executive committee members were also briefed on the online voting system and took part in a run-through of the upcoming meetings.

A special nominating committee will present names for the election of IAD department directors on Apr. 27, which will then be followed by votes by executive committee members.

Top church leaders from Inter-America’s 24 unions and institutions pray during an administrative council held Apr. 21, 2021.  [Photo: IAD Screenshot]

The election of department directors and regional leaders follows a vote taken by the executive committee on Jan. 26, 2021, to be held during Inter-America’s Mid-Year Executive Committee meetings this month.  Department heads are normally elected during each General Conference Session, but due to the pandemic and postponement of the Adventist world church’s session for June of 2022, plans were voted for the change.

Election of union mission administrators will follow on Apr. 28.  Division institutional boards will appoint their administrative leaders starting on Apr. 26 and continue throughout the week.

To learn more about the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Inter-American Division and its upcoming Mid-Year Executive Committee Meetings, visit us at interamerica.org

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