May 21, 2018 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens/IAD

Inter-America’s Adventist-laymen’s Services and Industries (ASi) Convention this year is set to gather hundreds of Adventist business owners and professionals from across the Inter-American Division (IAD) territory in Cancun, Mexico, from Aug. 8-12, 2018. The event promises to also draw lawyers and health professionals for what could be the largest ASi Inter-America convention set.

Themed “20 Years Transforming Lives in the Marketplace,” will highlight the growth of the ASi Inter-America main chapter since it was organized in 1998, organizers say.

“The convention will allow for business owners, health professionals and lawyers to execute their ministry in their sphere of functions as they witness for Christ,” says Pastor James Daniel, vice president for the church in Inter-America and secretary of ASI-Inter-America.

This year’s convention is particularly special for Inter-America because for 20 years, dozens of local chapters have sprouted across the territory, says Daniel, “and we want chapters to focus on come up with creative plans and programs as we move to take ASi Inter-America to the next level for further expansion.”

The four-day event seeks to inspire and reaffirm ASi local chapters members and attendees of their commitment to sharing Christ in their businesses and communities in support of the mission of the church. International guest speakers will be featured during the convention, organizers say.

An evangelistic campaign prior to the convention is scheduled to take place in Cancun, where ASi visiting members will have the opportunity to take part of.

“We want this convention to continue empowering attendees to move forward as the Holy Spirit guides them in serving in their communities, preparing others for God’s kingdom,” Daniel adds.

For more information and to register for Inter-America’s ASi Convention, visit

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